
Payment of fees

Fees are due one month in advance. Payments should reach Montys on the 1st of each month. We ask parents to pay nursery fees by standing order. Any ad-hoc sessions that are agreed upon are invoiced and paid for separately.

Child Care Vouchers/Salary Sacrifice Schemes

Working parents may be eligible to pay part of their child's nursery fees through childcare vouchers. These are usually offered via your employer through a salary sacrifice scheme such as Enjoy benefits, meaning that an agreed amount will be deducted from your pre-tax salary.

At Montys we are registered with a large number of childcare voucher companies, please contact the office if you would like to use vouchers/scheme to pay your monthly fees. If we are not registered with the company that your employer uses then we will be more than happy to look into creating a new account.


Early Education Entitlement 3 & 4 Year olds and the working entitlements from 9mths +

The universal 15 hours Early Education Entitlement 3 & 4 year olds (E.E.E) is funding towards the cost of childcare, irrespective of your financial status. The funding is available the term after your child turns three.

A maximum of 15 hours per week can be claimed for 38 weeks a year (term time only).

Montys Nursery and Preschool accepts the universal element (15hours) of the 3 & 4 year old Early Education Entitlement, the working entitlements from 9 months + with eligible codes (15 hours only, from April 1st 2025) and funding for those 2 years olds whose families are in receipt of additional government support. Please see criteria below and guidance on how to apply and obtain your eligibility number. 

We do not offer 30 hours free childcare.

When your child becomes eligible for the EEE 3 & 4 year olds you will be notified by the nursery and asked to sign a parent declaration form. Please see below policy for more information.

Montys Nursery and Preschool Early Education Entitlement (EEE) Policy

 Tax- Free Childcare

Tax free childcare is a new government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare. Parents can open an online account to pay for their childcare. For every £8.00 a parent pays in to the account, the government will pay in an additional £2.00. Parents can receive up to £2000.00 per child, per year towards their childcare costs. (Up to £4000.00 if your child has a disability)

To check your eligibility or to open an online account please go to the Gov.UK website and look under Tax free childcare.  


2 Year Old Funding 

We accept children through the 2 year funding scheme for 15 hours care a week for a maximum of 38 weeks per year (term time only). 


1) Children, with parents/carers in receipt of certain benefits

2) the child is in receipt of disability allowance

3) where the child is a looked after child

To access the free hours at Montys Nursery and Preschool, you will need an eligibility number. To find out if you are eligible and to apply please visit: 

Achieving for children - two year olds free childcare and early education.

The Family Information Service can be contacted on: 0208 547 5215


Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

EYPP is extra Government funding that can be used to boost your 3 or 4 years olds child's learning. For every child that qualifies for EYPP, the nursery will receive a small amount of additional funding. This funding can be used to further improve your child's education. 

You will be eligible if you are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

Income support, income based job seekers allowance, income-related employment and support allowance, support under part six of the immigration and asylum act 1999, The guaranteed element of state pension credit, child tax credit (provided you are not entitled to working tax credit) and have a gross income of no more that £16,190, Working tax credit run on, universal credit (Your household income must be less that £7,400 after tax, not including any benefits you may get). 

You may also qualify for EYPP if your child is currently looked after by a local authority or if your child has left care through: adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangement order.

If you think you may be eligible, please tick the box on your early education funding parent declaration form before returning to the office.